Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing # 15 Part II

What does Library 2.0 mean to me?

For me Library 2.0 means, initially, being overwelmed all the time. Then I have to think about how I am going to overcome my steep learning curve.

In spite of my twenty plus years experience with a personal computer and Windows platform software, I am a digital immigrant: for someone with as much experience it seems there should be a better term than immigrant! Library 2.0 technology and tools means thar software is not all encompassing tool it once was. Library 2.0 tools and technology make so many things available online that used to require a specialized piece of software.

Two of my strengths are adaptability and a lack of fear to try new technology and tools. I believe that comes from being a life-long learner. I have overcome my intimidation factor and understand, hey, I can do this! I have learned about and had at least some experience with wikis, blogs, tagging and social bookmarking, podcasting, handheld devices, mashups and FLICKR. Things that I listed as weaknesses at the beginning of class I have at least had exposure to: using Library 2.0 technology and tools, creating wikis, blogs, preparing and editing audio files, video files and pod casts. I am now much more prepared to incorporating technology into library activities (book talks, book reviews) and to promote the use of Library 2.0 technology and tools to my school’s faculty and students.

I plan on continuing to learn new Library 2.0 tools and to increase my familiarity with wikis, blogs and tagging wit h social bookmarking. I would like to concentrate on solidifying my familiarity with these three tools until I reach a certain comfort level with them, and then add more tools to my belt. I also feel as though these are tools that I can best communicate to my teachers and get them interested in their use. If I am going to be a technology leader on campus, my teachers need to be able to rely on my new found “expertise”. I do not want to be perceived as a “Jack of all trades and master of none.”

Understanding my strengths are (1) adaptability and (2) a willingness to try new technology and tools will help me with my weaknesses. The desire to keep trying new things will help me face the ever-growing list of Library 2.0 technologies and skills. Because the innovation and the number of these technologies and tools can at times be overwhelming, it is hard to keep up. To guide me forward, I am going to use two principals. One is supply and demand. Which tools are being used and embraced? You need to know these and be aware of which ones have fallen on the wayside. And as important, collaborate with my colleagues. Which tools are they being successful with – what is working for them?

What does it mean for school libraries?

The advent of Library 2.0 technology and its impact on libraries is significant. In his blog Anderson indicates that librarians will have to become better teachers. We need to become a resource for our patron; students, faculty and parents. We need to identify which technologies we can embrace and learn them well. We need to be effective in the way we share these tools. At the same time we must ensure that patrons eye the Internet and Library 2.0 tools with suspicion. Verifying information and checking resources. These tools are only as good as we make them. So the challenge is to ensure these tools are used responsibly. Like Reagan said, "Trust but verify." Instilling a thorough and complete research dynamic is imperative to ensure the information is correct in order for the conclusions to be sound!

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