Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thing # 3

Oh - I forgot to add the avatar! I has to have four tabs open at the same time and be logged into yahoo. google and blogspot at the same time. It was actually not so bad - only I couldn't find the 50+ man with a gut so I had to settle for the Brad Pitt knock-off! Oh well, it will have to do!

Thing # 2

I am a committed life-long learner; and i am currently in grad school. However, I don't believe you have to have a formal education to become a life long learner

The purpose of Library2Play is to introduce and provide experiences with a variety of Library 2.0 technololgy tools.

It coincides with the graduate classs I am taking
Along with working on Library2Play this summer, I am also taking two graduate classes from UNT this summer.

My progress on the Library2Play activities has come to a screeching halt! I either cannot read or f ollow directions! I am trying to complete steps 1 - 4. Maybe...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Library 2.0

My goal this summer is to create a podcast for presentation to the faculty this fall that shares how Library 2.0 Technology and tools can be used in an elementary academic setting. The 23 Things and the class I am taking through UNT should help me achieve that goal!


Rescued Yellow Lab